I would describe my research as driven by questions arising in the calculus of variations, which have a rich geometric measure theory flavor and require a pinch of harmonic analysis ideas to be solved.

As a student, my formation was oriented toward problems arising in homogenization theory. Over time, I became more interested in the theoretical questions of the calculus of variations, particularly those with a strong geometric flavor. I am very familiar with its applied side, given that I have worked on variational models arising in materials science.

A two-dimensional cone

Currently, my research revolves around the following guiding question: I want to understand the geometric, functional, and continuity properties that a function « $u$ » and a measure « $\mu$ » gain by solving a linear PDE

$$\mathcal A u = \mu.$$

The motivation to study this general setting stems from the versatility of the differential operator « $\mathcal A$ » to describe diverse linearized physical models. For example, in the mathematical theory of linear elasticity, materials may undergo deformations that result in the formation of microscopic plane-like dislocations or fractures. To make sense of the gradient deformation tensor on the region where these ruptures occur, it is often necessary to consider $\mathrm{sym}(Du)=\mu$ in the space of measures.

Aluminum alloy under strain forces (image by Jover Carrasco et al., Metals 2021, licensed under CC BY 4.0.)

Aluminum alloy under strain forces (image by Jover Carrasco et al., Metals 2021, licensed under CC BY 4.0.)

The mean-curvature does not sit on the tip of the cone (image by A. Arroyo Rabasa)